Sunday, August 31, 2008
Traditional Sauce & Jam 古方特制醬料
蒜,姜茸2大匙,五香,八角,桂皮各10克,毫油,鱼露,酱油,黑酱油,荞头2大匙, 酸梅2个糖2茶匙, 南乳2个压碎
5.把蒜,姜茸,毫油,鱼露,酱油,黑酱油,荞头碎,酸梅,南乳和龙花酵素渣煮滚后转小火, 煮成酱料.
Red Dragon Fruit Honey Drink
D’dragon TM
Red Dragon Fruit Honey Drink
red dragon fruit concentrated, honey.
Determination and Evaluation of the Nutritive Composition in the Seed Kernel of White Pitaya Pan Yan-li Rui Han-ming Lin Chao-peng 】
(College of Food and Biological Engineering; South China Univ. of Tech.; Guangzhou 510640; Guangdong; China)
The nutrition composition in the seed kernel of red dragon fruit was analyzed. The results show the following contents:
32.02% (mass fraction, the same below) of fat, 22.06% of protein, 21.03% of starch, 10.35% of rough fiber,
5.80% of moisture, 3.18% of ash and 1.75% of total sugar. The amino acid and fatty acid compositions of the protein in the seed kernel were also analyzed, showing 80.83% of unsaturated fatty acid content in fatty acid, and in unsaturated fatty acid,54.43% of linoleic acid content——the highest of all.
火龙果是仙人掌科、三角柱属植物,果内有数千粒芝麻状黑色小种子它还有较高的食疗价值, 有降血压、降血脂、解毒、滋肺、明目、养颜之功效,对便秘和糖尿病也有疗效。火龙果含有一般植物少有的植物白蛋白和花青素、黄酮 类、皂甙、葡萄糖、生物碱等珍贵营养物质,有清热解毒、消炎祛病、行气活血、健胃补脾、通便润肠、抗氧化、抗衰老等功效,常食可美白皮肤、增强人体免疫 力,对心脑血管疾病和糖尿病、恶性肿瘤等有较好的防治作用。
火龙果肉中约有数千粒芝麻状的种子,如果直接食用,种子可促进肠子蠕动 ,有润肠效果。种仁含有传递生命的RNA、DNA及各种酶,它也像芝麻、花生及酿酒的红葡萄种仁一样,含有丰富的不饱和脂肪酸及抗氧化物质等..充分利用其中仁的营养,当作保健、养颜美容食品。
每个火龙果含种仁7g左右,种仁形似芝麻,比芝麻饱满,每一千粒种仁质量大约为1.131g。火 龙果的营养价值也在种仁中,其繁多的芝麻状种子,富含不饱和脂肪酸及黄酮类抗氧化物质,如花青素般发挥功用,且有助胃肠蠕动、润肠的效果。
Fungsi: Membantu penghadaman ,meningkatan ketahan badan,menambah Selera makan.
Contents: Isi buah naga merah yang segar dari ladang diproses dengan madu lebah diperam selama 1 bulan.
Kadar anti-oksidant yang tinggi dalam buah naga merah dan juga khasiat yang terkandung di dalam
biji-biji hitam telah dibukti oleh pakar kedoktoran dengan menggunakan Penganalisis GC/MS .
32.02% lemak, 22.06%protin , 21.03% starch, 10.35% serat kasar,5.80% kandungan air ,
3.18% of ash dan 1.75% gula . Manakala 80.83% unsaturated fatty acid, unsaturated fatty
acid,54.43% linoleic acid merupakan khasiat tinggi yang diperlukan untuk kesihatan badan.
Red Dragon Fruit Skin Care Products
Red Dragon Fruit
Facial Treatment Series
活效补水精华液(补水保湿) 主要成份:火龍果补水因子、透明质酸、酶解珍珠、银杏叶精华、茶树油产品功效:融合各种植物补水保湿精华,充分调理皮肤,增加皮肤水份,滋润干燥及老化肌肤,抚平皱纹,令肌肤光滑润泽充满弹性。使用方法:早晚洁面后,取适量均匀涂于面部,轻轻按摩至完全吸收。
Supply water essence (supply water and moisturizer) Main ingredient: Hylocereus Undatus ( Dragon Fruit ) yearst supply water factor ginkgo tea tree oil Product Explanation: contain various plant supply water moisturizer distillate,improve metabolism of cells,completely recuperate skin,increase water of skin, moisturizer dry and older skin, make skin smooth and full of elasticity Use direction: After clean skin every morning and evening, take it to daub on face, gently massage until completely absorbed.
Thirst quenching hydra-balance serum 平衡保湿精华 / 30mL
- Lima bean extract: 利马大豆精粹,保护锁水细胞的蛋白质
- Extract of Himanthalia Elongata: 促进皮肤水分的平衡。
- Extract of Pinus Lambertiana: 使皮肤长时间保持充足的水分。
- Extract of Lapacho: 帮助减少水分流失。
- Hylocereus Undatus -Cactus (Moisturises) 火龍果,保湿。
- Sweet White Lupine (Balances,Moisturises,Regenerates) 平衡,保湿。
Moisture quenching hydra-balance moisturizer 平衡保湿乳液 (另外还有带spf15, spf30)
介绍:无油液体质地,不管在任何气候条件下坚持不懈地控制肌肤水分。保湿,补水,去干纹,是肌肤平滑细腻,容易上装。含抗污染配方。不带防晒指数的乳液含天然阳光过滤剂,相当于spf 6-8.
- Himanthalia Elongata extract: enhances skin’s natural moisture balance.
- Pinus Lambertiana: helps the skin maintain a constant level of hydration.
- Lapacho: minimizes moisture loss.
- Vitamin E: preserves skin’s healthy qualities.
- Clarins Anti-Pollution Complex: 抗污染复合物
-Hylocereus Undatus -Cactus (Moisturises) 火龍果,保湿。
- Horse Chestnut tree 舒缓- Linden 舒缓,抗自由基- Sweet White Lupine 使用:早上用于洁净后的脸部。
Red Dragon Fruit Goat Milk Soap
用 龍果香皂之后的感觉很清爽舒服,清洁效果也不错。龍果含有丰富的有机酸,可促进皮肤的新陈代谢,活化皮肤的细胞,并且改善肤质,都能滋润肌肤.
Red Dragon Fruit Soap comes in 2 x 3 x 1 in. standard bars.
Each bar starts with a mix of base oil designed to clean and moisturize. Special ingredients dragon fruit stem & dragon fruit, dragon fruit with mangosteen , papaya and dragon fruit .
Fragrance are added and the whole mix is saponified with goat milk. The result is pure soap that is good for your skin, non-drying and gentle, not harsh like commercial soaps.