D’dragon TM 龙之果
D’dragon Pro-biotics Enzyme Mix
Serving Size : 2g
Direction of Use : Take 2gm 1 to 2 times daily.
Direct consumption. Recommend to take 2-3 liter of water daily.
Functions : To stimulate healthy gastrointestinal tract & improve digestion system.
Targeted consumer group: All ages.
Ingredients: Red Dragon Fruit Powder, Red Dragon Flower Powder, Blue Berry Powder, Strawberry Powder,
Acacia Gum, Bifidobacterium spp, Fructo-oligosaccharide, Fruit Enzyme.
Product Information
Serving Size : 2g x 20 sachet
Direction of Use : Take 2gm 1 to 2 times daily. Direct consumption.
Recommend to take 2-3 liter of water daily.
Functions : To stimulate healthy gastrointestinal tract & improve digestion system.
Health Benefits of Pro-biotic Enzymes Mix
Improve digestion system
Rich in enzymes to break down the food molecules into simplest form and can absorbed by body easily.
Against free radical
It may help to combat free radicals.
Improve colon health
Pro-biotic and pre-biotic may stimulate the gastrointestinal tract balance.
Food molecule is easily digested and absorbed by body human.
Pro-biotic and pre-biotic help to degrade waste material in the intestine to organic compound.
Stimulate intestine bowel movement
Posses anti-oxidant properties
May helps to combat aging symptom.
Cleanses toxin from the body
Soluble fiber helps mop up toxin circulating in the blood stream, bind fats and oils and flushes them out.
Strengthening the immune system
Pre-biotic, Pro-biotic and Enzymes build and strengthen the immune system for great healthy living.
Pro-biotic maintain microbiology activity
Rich in minerals and vitamins
Managing Lactose Intolerance
Prevention of Colon Cancer
Cholesterol Lowering
Lowering Blood Pressure
Improving Immune Function and Preventing Infections
Helicobacter pylori
Antibiotic-associated diarrhea
Reducing Inflammation
Improving Mineral Absorption
Prevents Harmful Bacterial Growth Under Stress
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Colitis
1、 先进性:融合日本大高,岛本酵素专利,以及加拿大、中科院微生物研究所专利而形成世界领先产品,国内独家应用在植物酵素上吸附活体微生物技术,在保证 微生物生物制品的活性属性的前提下,突出的解决微生物固态生存及保活等关键技术难题,益生菌活性延长到3年,引领时代潮流,国内首创并填补国内空白。
2、 显效性:全方位补充益生菌和酵素,使人体重新恢复生物屏障,增强机体抵抗力,经临床两年多验证,对感染性疾病及现代文明病有明显效果, 日本依据40年临床病例向世界证实其特优效果。是短时间就能做到的健康法。我国经广大消费者反映,对急性胃肠炎、胃痛、急腹痛、咽喉肿痛等迅速起效,对非 典、伪膜性肠炎具有显著效果。北京朝阳医院接收非典患者时,经服用微生物酵素,全部治愈,没有一例死亡。其中毕维杰主任已气管切开,病情危重,许多传闻 说,她已牺牲,经微生物酵素气管注入,不但从死亡线上被拉了回来,而且生活的很好。肝移植患者中由于服用微生物酵素,使伪膜性肠炎发病率降低,大大提高了 生存率。广大消费者还反映,对妇科疾病、糖尿病合并症、一些难治的皮肤病、红斑狼疮、真菌感染效果非常显著,同时具有提高肝、肾功能及性功能等作用。
3 广普性:83种有益菌可针对任何细菌感染,故对所有感染性疾病均有效。补充1000多种酶对缺乏任何酶的人群均有效果。
5、 安全性:酶和有益菌都是身体原来就有的,只是补充不足而已。
D’dragon益生菌是经过红火龙果和多种深红紫水果发酵而来的,无任何毒副作用,安全可 靠。通过微生物酶素的服用,补充人体缺乏的有益菌和酵素,恢复机体菌群比例平衡,提高机体免疫力,防止感染的发生,促进人体健康,防止现代文明病的发生, 对已患病者起到调节和治疗作用。
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