D’dragon TM
Red Dragon Fruit Honey Drink
red dragon fruit concentrated, honey.
Determination and Evaluation of the Nutritive Composition in the Seed Kernel of White Pitaya Pan Yan-li Rui Han-ming Lin Chao-peng 】
(College of Food and Biological Engineering; South China Univ. of Tech.; Guangzhou 510640; Guangdong; China)
The nutrition composition in the seed kernel of red dragon fruit was analyzed. The results show the following contents:
32.02% (mass fraction, the same below) of fat, 22.06% of protein, 21.03% of starch, 10.35% of rough fiber,
5.80% of moisture, 3.18% of ash and 1.75% of total sugar. The amino acid and fatty acid compositions of the protein in the seed kernel were also analyzed, showing 80.83% of unsaturated fatty acid content in fatty acid, and in unsaturated fatty acid,54.43% of linoleic acid content——the highest of all.
火龙果是仙人掌科、三角柱属植物,果内有数千粒芝麻状黑色小种子它还有较高的食疗价值, 有降血压、降血脂、解毒、滋肺、明目、养颜之功效,对便秘和糖尿病也有疗效。火龙果含有一般植物少有的植物白蛋白和花青素、黄酮 类、皂甙、葡萄糖、生物碱等珍贵营养物质,有清热解毒、消炎祛病、行气活血、健胃补脾、通便润肠、抗氧化、抗衰老等功效,常食可美白皮肤、增强人体免疫 力,对心脑血管疾病和糖尿病、恶性肿瘤等有较好的防治作用。
火龙果肉中约有数千粒芝麻状的种子,如果直接食用,种子可促进肠子蠕动 ,有润肠效果。种仁含有传递生命的RNA、DNA及各种酶,它也像芝麻、花生及酿酒的红葡萄种仁一样,含有丰富的不饱和脂肪酸及抗氧化物质等..充分利用其中仁的营养,当作保健、养颜美容食品。
每个火龙果含种仁7g左右,种仁形似芝麻,比芝麻饱满,每一千粒种仁质量大约为1.131g。火 龙果的营养价值也在种仁中,其繁多的芝麻状种子,富含不饱和脂肪酸及黄酮类抗氧化物质,如花青素般发挥功用,且有助胃肠蠕动、润肠的效果。
Fungsi: Membantu penghadaman ,meningkatan ketahan badan,menambah Selera makan.
Contents: Isi buah naga merah yang segar dari ladang diproses dengan madu lebah diperam selama 1 bulan.
Kadar anti-oksidant yang tinggi dalam buah naga merah dan juga khasiat yang terkandung di dalam
biji-biji hitam telah dibukti oleh pakar kedoktoran dengan menggunakan Penganalisis GC/MS .
32.02% lemak, 22.06%protin , 21.03% starch, 10.35% serat kasar,5.80% kandungan air ,
3.18% of ash dan 1.75% gula . Manakala 80.83% unsaturated fatty acid, unsaturated fatty
acid,54.43% linoleic acid merupakan khasiat tinggi yang diperlukan untuk kesihatan badan.
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